Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is defined as an insult to the brain caused by an external force that may produce diminished or altered states of consciousness, which results in impaired cognitive abilities or physical functioning1 . Road traffic injuries are the leading cause (60%) of brain injury. A vehicular accident is reported every 3 minutes and it is estimated that nearly 1.6 million people in India sustain head injuries annually2 . Memory deficits are the most frequent chronic cognitive disturbance reported in TBI3,4.
Neurofeedback Training (NFT) is a state of art training based on operant conditioning. It requires an individual to modify the amplitude, frequency or coherence of the electrical activity and learn to influence the electrical activity of their brain. The goal is to train the individual to normalize abnormal EEG frequencies5 . Patients with TBI have benefited with NFT6,7. Slowing of EEG, of varying degree and duration, scattered spike activity of varying intensities was reported in TBI8 .